We are looking for a clear and concise statement on your achievements that puts them in appropriate context, pointing out the relevance of your research findings for your field and beyond and the difference your engagement made at national, regional, or international level. Just referring to publications or citations is insufficient. Your achievements are also not measured in terms of research grants and funding. We are interested in the quality and rigour of your work, along with your ability to further advance knowledge and innovation.
Do not provide any bibliometric indicators such as h-index.
The GYA is a strong supporter of the
Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) and is thus committed to avoiding inappropriate use of quantitative metrics. For more information of our principles to guide evaluation see
here and in the
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Moreover, please describe the acquisition of skills and the mastery of encountered challenges and obstacles, as well as your journey towards an independent researcher and your contributions to supporting a research community.